Wed Aug 16 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago
– Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 03:16:34 AM
BackerKit locked down!
We gave everyone a couple extra hours, but as announced, BackerKit surveys have now been locked down and cards have been charged for pledge upgrades/add-ons/pre-orders.
If your card was declined for any reason, you'll have received an email from BackerKit stating this, so please update your payment information as soon as possible.
If you still have not finished filling out your survey, please do so as soon as you can, as we need finalized item counts in order to begin manufacturing rewards.
As we stated previously, preorders for the Tohka figurine are still available and will be open until at least late October. Simply visit this URL to preorder the figure, regardless of whether or not you backed the campaign!
Tue Aug 15 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 12:00:10 AM
Last call for BackerKit
As we announced previously, BackerKit surveys are being locked down and charged (if applicable) at 23:59 PT on August 15. That's in just 24 hours from the time of this update!
If you want to grab add-ons or upgrade your pledge tier but haven't yet, now's your last chance! Public pre-orders will also be closed at the same time. Additionally, even if you're not grabbing any add-ons please be sure to complete your BackerKit survey.
The one exception is the Tohka figurine - preorders for that will remain open to both backers and publicly until a later date - currently planned for the end of October. We expect to have a fully colored preview of the figure available around the end of the month, so keep an eye out for that!
Wed Aug 2 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago
– Wed, Aug 02, 2017 at 07:01:12 PM
BackerKit reminder & new campaign announcement!
Hey everyone! We wanted to remind you that the lockdown date for BackerKit surveys is August 15 at 11:59PM PT. Preorders will also close at this time. All backers have been imported into BackerKit at this point, and both surveys and Steam keys have been sent out, so if you haven't received yours, please let us know!
We also wanted to give you all a heads-up on a new campaign we've just launched. The Kickstarter for Wonderful Everyday, also known as Subahibi, is live now and lasts until August 27! There are a ton of great rewards and some pretty enticing stretch goals, so be sure to check it out!
Thu Jul 27 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago
– Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 06:12:18 PM
Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Vol.3 released on Steam!
The game is OUT NOW on Steam! Take a click!
Steam keys have been sent out to all backers who are currently added to BackerKit, so check your emails! You've got codes for the digital OST as well! If you're not in BackerKit yet, sit tight, because we're going to manually add in everyone else over the next few hours so you can get your keys ASAP. We'll have the special wallpaper for you very soon as well!
If you didn't back the campaign, or went for add-ons only, the game is 10% off for the first week, so now's the perfect time to grab it!
Thu Jul 20 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago
– Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 08:08:30 PM
The wait is over! Preorders open too!
Check your emails - most of you should have your BackerKit survey NOW! Do remember that if you contributed within the last 10 days of InDemand, it'll take a few more days for us to get your survey out to you.
The survey deadline is set at August 15th, and about 24 hours after that we'll lock down all your surveys and charge for add-ons. Public preorders are also open on BackerKit now, and those will be available until August 15 as well!
If you've never used Indiegogo before, check out our tutorial from the Phantom Trigger Vol.1&2 campaign! The items are different, but the details are all the same - if you have any questions though, don't hesitate to let us know! (Truth be told, I got halfway through making an entirely new tutorial in this post but I was 800 characters over Indiegogo's limit about halfway through so I gave up.)